Sunday, February 04, 2007

Organic Is Not Enough

To all you "cheapskate" ;) webmasters out there who are only relying on free organic traffic.
I can see why, but mind you - If you are only doing organic you are not utilizing the full potential of your niche. Someone will eventuelly come along and buy their way into your spot. If you want to protect and develop your turf you better pull out that credit card, head over to AdWords and start buying traffic.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

AdWords Copywriting

A little copywriting tips I have carved out:

Cood copywriting is about beeing in a specific mindset. This mindset can be extrememely hard to get into and can be extremely valuable. Mindset combined with intensive split testing is the key to success.

- Try beeing a bit vague, highly specific (as allways) but vauge at the same time. Sounds contradictory, but watch this:

5 Step Solution
Instant Easy Fix
Fully Customizable

The above ad could work for many different things. It claims to be highly specific, but it is vague about what it is specific about. This arises curiosity, people think "this *could* be excactly what I am looking for".