Saturday, October 21, 2006

AdWords Negative Key Word List

A major way of improving your click through rate in AdWords is to use a negative key word list.
AdWords will allow you to set up up to 2000 negative key words.
You mark them with a "-" in front of the key word like this "-hunt game" if you are running a campaign for a game. You want the gaming related clicks, but whoever is searching for "hunt game" as in hunting for meat you do not want. This way you can significantly improve your campaigns.

I am working on a general negative key word list that will fit into most campaigns. Here I will exclude most spamming words like "viagra", profanity, sexual language and most importantly key words that are likely to be non profitable clickers. Words like "refund", "complaint", "sucks" are unlikely to give profitable clicks. The same applies for anything from Nigeria, having "-nigeria" as a negative key word is allways a good idea.


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